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July 17, 2018
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Think Protection

Medical Alert Systems

The number of seniors in Canada is rising dramatically. Over 14% of the Canadian population is over 65. Certain healths risks increase with aging. This is why it's incredibly important to have a medical alert system.

Medical alert systems provide peace of mind for individuals and caregivers. There are two common medical alert devices. The first works locally in the user's home. The other is a wearable device that works both inside and outside the home. They both perform a similar function, however one is more feature rich than the other.

The local device is a two piece system. The first is a base unit. This has the brains of the system. It may also house a two-way speaker and an emergency button. The second part of the system is a wearable button. This could be on the user as a bracelet, necklace or attached to a clip. When the user has an issue, they can press the button on either the bracelet or the base unit. This will send an emergency signal to either a monitored central station or a caregiver, who will then contact help.

The device the user wears is waterproof. It will work if the customer takes a shower. This is beneficial as seniors may have a fall in the shower. The unit will also work if submerged in a bath. It won't work if in a swimming pool (certain waterpoof limitations).

This type of unit is effective but limited in ability. It only works inside a home. If the user is outside of the area, then the unit won't work. This creates limited security. If the user has a serious health issue, then they need full protection regardless of where they are.

A mobile medical alert system provides increased protection. These units will work anywhere. This type of system comes with two parts. The first is a base station. This is a charging dock. The second is a wearable unit. The unit has an emergency button. It also has a speaker and microphone built into it. This allows the user to press the button if there's a medical emergency. The unit will then connect with a central station. Inside the device is a mobile chip, which turns the unit into essential a cellphone. The unit also has gps, so the central station will know the users location. The central station operator can then contact first responders if necessary.

The unit may also have a fall detection sensor. This means if the user has a fall, the unit will trigger. This is advantageous for any senior that have a history of falls. Seniors that have had a fall, have a significant chance of a second fall. Fall detection provides fantastic peace of mind.

A mobile medical alert system will work anywhere a cellphone works. So if the customer is at home, they will be secured. It will also protect them if they are in a store, at the beach or at a movie.

Some mobile medical alert systems will also send text messages to emergency contacts. The text message lets them know that the user has pressed a panic button. It may also include a link to their gps location. Text messages add to the effectiveness of the mobile medical alert system.

Some companies offering medical alert systems are Think Protection, Lifestation, Phillips Lifeline and Medic Alert. Not all of these companies offer similar values and technology. Do your research to find out price, features, contractual term and locations they will work.

The price of these systems range. Most have an upfront cost. There is also a monthly cost for the monitoring. The costs for mobile are higher than the local alarm. Contact each company for rates.

We recommend getting a mobile medical alert system. These provide increased value for seniors or anyone needing medical assistance. Mobile medical alert systems allow individuals to live independently. While an inhouse medical alert system provides some peace of mind, a mobile medical alert system provides significantly more value.